Concordia has partnerd with the Denver Dream Center in order to help with our local communities. If you would like to help serve, please fill out the below contact form.

The Adopt-a-Block program is an outreach that demonstrates God's unconditional love to the Denver community through practical acts of service. These acts of service range from lawn care and home repair to delivering toys for Christmas and playing games in the neighborhood on an event Saturday. DDC partners with Denver Housing Authority and Denver Parks and Recreation in several locations to serve and love the community.

The Denver Dream Center has three upcoming holiday events:

*December 8: Santa's Elves—Adopting families in need for the holidays.

*December 10: Christmas 2 Remember—Christmas party with the men currently living in a correctional facility.

*December 25: Presents in the Projects—Delivering gifts on Christmas morning. Our goal is to serve 10,000 kids for Christmas.

Currently, our largest need is getting families adopted for Santa's Elves on December 8th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


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Our Christian Pre-school, Transition to Kindergarten & Kindergarten offer both part-time and full-time classes.  The school provides a Christ-centered learning experience. 


We are called to reach out to others with the same love that Christ has for us.  Below are a few of the ministries – local and abroad – in which we are involved personally and financially.


It's time to get involved and join us for a time of fellowship. Take a look at what Concordia has to offer.