Love In Action

February 16

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Can You See Jesus

January 19

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Do Over

February 9

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Home Alone

January 5

Pastor Dennis Lawson

In Jesus Baptism

January 12

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Christmas Day

December 25

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Jesus is here

December 29

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Christmas Around the World

December 22

Pastor David Hodel

Christmas Eve

December 24

Pastor David Hodel

Arrival - Peace

December 8

Pastor Michael Paulison

Arrival - Joy

December 15

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Thanksgiving Eve

Arrival - Hope

November 27

Pastor David Hodel

December 1

Pastor Dennis Lawson

A Life Can Make A Difference

November 17

Pastor Michael Paulison

His Promise

November 24

Pastor Dennis Lawson

How to be

November 3

Pastor Dennis Lawson

What is a Sacrificial Lifestyle

November 10

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Who Then Can Be Saved

October 20

Pastor Dennis Lawson

The Perils of Prejudice

October 27

Pastor Michael Paulison

Jesus Defends Marriage

October 6

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Seeking Direction

October 13

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Shortest Most Effective Sermon

September 22

Pastor Michael Paulison

Miraculous Stories

September 29

Pastor Dennis Lawson

Syrophoenician Women 

Pastor Dennis Lawson

September 8

When We Can't , Jesus Can 

Pastor Jeff Shearier

September 15

Wash What?

Pastor Dennis Lawson

August 25

It's All About the Heart

Pastor Dennis Lawson

September 1

Your Cross - My Cross

Pastor Dennis Lawson

August 11

Fish University

Pastor Michael Paulison

August 18

In Thuderstorms & Heartbreaks

Pastor Jeff Shearier

July 28

God Knows...

Pastor Jeff Shearier

August 4

Do You Succumb To Pressure?

Pastor Dennis Lawson

July 14

Disobedience Costs

Pastor Michael Paulison

July 21

Where Is Your Umbrella?

Pastor Dennis Lawson

June 30


Pastor Dennis Lawson

July 7


Messages from January 7, 2024  through June 23, 2024

Messages from May 7, 2023 through December 31, 2023

Messages from April 2, 2023 through April 30, 2023

Messages from December 5, 2022 through February 5, 2023

Messages from July 24, 2022 through November 27, 2022

It’s hard to make sense of the world and what’s happening in it.  It’s even harder sometimes to make sense of what God is doing in our world.  Habakkuk is a book for such times.  It’s a book we don’t look at often, but it’s time we did!

Rocks and stones play an important part in Scripture; both literally and figuratively.  This series focuses on the stories these stones tell us about our sin, and how Jesus removes our stones of sin.

Joshua is much more than an historical account of the Israelites conquering the Promised Land.  It’s also primer for spiritual warfare and the foreshadowing of the victory that Jesus won for all of us.

It’s been said that movies are modern day parables because of their ability to convey moral or religious principles. Meaning that not only can movies move us to tears and make us laugh, but they can even teach us larger truths. This Advent and Christmas season we’ll be looking at some.

We’re taught from an early age to share, and nothing is more important for us to share than the Gospel.  In this short 2-week series, we’ll talk about that very thing: sharing the Gospel.  Sharing it where we are and sharing what we know.

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher.  “Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2). Is that true?  If it is, then what’s the point? Why should we even bother getting up in the morning?  The Teacher answers these questions (and more) in the book of Ecclesiastes.

The Gospel is the power that transform lives.  It’s one thing to proclaim this truth; it’s another to actually live it out.  That’s what Philemon, a follow-up companion to Colossians, is all about.  What does it look like and what impact does the Gospel have in our everyday lives and relationships?

Jesus is the answer for everything.  He is supreme. He is sufficient.  He is the one who has saved us from sin and makes into His new creations.  Now, how do we live this out for the glory of of His name?  Pauls’ letter to the Colossians shows us how!

The Lord’s Prayer is a staple in our worship and in our daily lives.  And while many of us know it by heart, perhaps it’s time for a refresher.

Jesus said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Are you ready - and willing - to follow?

This Advent we’re going to expose the lies about Christmas to get to the truth of Christmas: Jesus!

Finding Jesus: “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.”  We have a habit of obsessing over things we believe will make us happy, when all we really need is the One who offers true and eternal joy.

Obsession: “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.”  We have a habit of obsessing over things we believe will make us happy, when all we really need is the One who offers true and eternal joy.

When we talk about being generous in the church the conversation always turns…AWKWARD.  But why?  Generosity is at the heart of who Jesus is and reflects His character.  If we’re going to be His disciples we not only need to talk about it we need to live it!

The Ten Commandments are often seen as rules to be followed to stay on God’s good side.  Yet the truth is, these commands stem from God’s great grace and amazing love for us.  In this series we’ll not only be looking at these commands, but the grace and love behind them.

"The Bible certainly has some strange stories for us.  But what do we do with the really strange ones?  The ones we don’t talk about in Sunday School or hear in sermons?  Perhaps now, in the stranger times we’re living in, we need to hear these stories and how our God is with us and works through even the strangest of times.”

These are unprecedented times we are living in. Yet, this isn’t a time to mourn what we’re missing. It’s a time to embrace our calling. May these stained-glass stories remind us of what it means to be the church. Not what it means to be at “the church.” 

The most important question you will ever answer is, “What will you do with Jesus?”  Regardless of your answer, it will change your life today and in the world to come.  So, what is your answer to life’s most important question? 

 “A Tale of Two Cities” is a famous book by Charles Dickens.  It is also where we find ourselves as Christians: in the tale of two cities.  One city is God’s kingdom, and the other is the kingdom of this world.  Our series looks at how we faithfully live in these two cities.  How do we stand firm in a shaky world?

One of the favorite parts of the Christmas season are all the Christmas lights.  There are Christmas lights on homes and in malls.  But for all the peace and serenity Christmas lights may communicate, the Christmas season can feel anything but peaceful and serene.  It can feel overwhelming and burdening!  In this series, we look at how to make Christmas light – cutting through the clutter of the season and getting back to what matters most. 

1 Corinthians 16:13 says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”  In this series we’ll learn the importance of, and how to, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  

Grace is bigger, better, more unsettling, more challenging, and more amazing than we ever thought.  In fact, it’s scandalous.  

In our current series, we are exploring myths that we mistakenly believe, and discovering instead, the life-giving truth of Christ.

As James says in his letter to the church, Elijah is a man just like us.  So, let’s see what we can learn from him.

It’s easy to tell the difference between good fruit and spoiled fruit on the tree.  Is it just as easy to spot it in our lives?

Summer is traditionally a time for trips; road trips!  Ever wonder what, where, and why God has you on the road you’re on?

This I Believe -  “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.”

Concordia=C3 -  When Jesus describes His Church He uses words like bride, body, and family. 

It's Quittin' Time -  We are at the start of a new year.  And now it’s time to quit! 

Certainty in Uncertain Times -  Life is full of uncertainties. Yet, what we can be sure of is that Jesus came once and is coming again! 

Goliath Must Fall -  We all have Goliaths in our lives.  The real question is who will be your David?

Samson -  The Story of Samson

Family Matters - God has a plan for your household.

Where There's a Will, There's a Way - Discovering God's Will for Your Life

Clues to the Real Christ - 

Do you have a Clue?

A New Start for a New Year - What new start are you longing for in the New Year?

"It Sounds Like Christmas" - The sounds, sights, rush, and chaos of Christmas are everywhere, but as Jesus said, "few things are needed- or indeed only one." Don't let it be taken from you. 

"Gratitude: It's More Than An Attitude" - While there is much to be said for having an "attitude of gratitude", there is so much more that goes into it! 

“Sola: What Matters Most” –  Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, Sripture Alone, to God Alone be the Glory.

“Construction Project” – we are all under construction, but thankfully we are part of God's creation!

“Vibrant Living” – what does it mean to be a vibrant Lutheran community? How can we practice vibrant living in our homes? 

“Rethink Religion” – what is your faith life all about?

“Transformers” – is about the transformation that God makes in our lives.

"Generouse Grace" –Following Jesus' Example of Generousity During Lent.

"A New Beginning" –Focusing on the opening chapters of the book of Acts, describing the new beginning in the new faith community following Jesus’ ascension.